Thursday, January 5, 2012


It's 2012!! Can't believe it AND where did the holiday season go?!?! All I remember is standing in long lines and debating over gifts. Next thing you know, the tree is half down and you think...maybe I could just sweep these ornaments under the couch til next year...seriously?!?!

ANYWAYS!! As we all know, a new year means one thing...RESOLUTION! (which I prefer to define as the quality of the image on 'Stevie' the T.V. BUT, since it's New Years and you are supposed to...I guess I'll make a list of things to accomplish) -

1. Half Marathon - that's right, I like to run, so I think it's time to do it with a number pinned to my chest and towards a goal line.
2. READ more!
3. Learn to sew - "Susie Homemaker" wannabe
4. Get involved at our Church - my parents STILL tell stories of the friends her and my dad made as a young couple at Church...I think it's about that time for Blake and to get started =)
5. Organization - clear out, clear out, clear out =)

Well that's it for now =)

Oh, and in other news...we celebrated Mollie Kate's 21st birthday last night...with a cookie cake =)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Project # 1

SO...last week was a crazy work week, so my postings were seriously lacking...and by that I mean 0. BUT I'm gonna get better, cause I've got plenty of ideas!! The first surrounds what I bought this mom and I decided to have some much needed QT, so of course we headed to the local antique shops and BOY did we find a treasure...for $50 no less. EXTRA bonus for Blake is that I finally have a project!! (In fact, he is singing VICTORY to Jesus, she's got a hobby) =)

So here it is...and with a little sanding, re-staining, it will be perfect =) Finished product will come soon.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Day One

So I'm starting a blog! Woot Woot!'s just me reading this isn't it??? haha.

I decided to start a blog...mostly because I've become obsessed with readings other's blogs...about foods (I LOVE to cook!), books (I'm slowly getting back into fact, I've assigned myself 5 'summer' books), projects, kids (of course, I don't have any of those yet), seeing pictures, getting ideas...anyways, I'm excited to get a voice out there too!

Much more to come soonish... =)